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If you lost your username, please enter your E-mail Address, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address.
If you forgot both your username and your password, please recover the username first, then the password. To recover your username, please enter your E-mail Address, leaving Username field empty, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address. From there you can use this same form to recover your password.
If you lost your password but know your username, please enter your Username and your E-mail Address, press the Send Password button, and you will receive a new password shortly. Use this new password to access the site.

Okeiki Baseball Club is a; 501C or Non-profit corporation.

Our Mission
To provide the best competition, training and coaching for young baseball players, who wish to continue their baseball careers. We offer year round baseball, playing up to 120 games a year. We participate in four national and one international organizations, by doing so our players receive opportunities to qualify for World Series and international play. Our players get experience and exposure by participating in every tournament that is available to us. We select only players who love the game, have the ability and heart to play baseball in the tradition of the O'Keiki Baseball Club. Our cost include: scholarships, equipment website and admin cost. We are always looking for volunteers, company sponsors and donations. Please donate what you can today or give us a call to see how you can support our youth.

Please Donate Now with Pay Pal

All kids should get a chance to love baseball...
3138 Waialae Ave Apt #536
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
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